
Posts Tagged ‘Film’

Step-by-Step guide to Facebook Conversion Tracking

Step 1: Once you log in to your ‘Ads Manager’ tab, click on the Conversion Tracking button on the left side bar.


Step 2: Then click on the ‘Create Conversion Pixel’ tab to begin the process.


Step 3: You will be directed to this pop-up, which will ask you for a:

1. Name: An appropriate name will help you remember what you are tracking. (Example: Lead Generation – GATE Ad)

2. Category: This will help you decide the type of action that you want to track on your site. You can choose from the following:

1. Checkouts

2. Registrations

3. Leads

4. Key Page Views

5. Adds to Cart

6. Other Website Conversions

(For the purpose of this example, we have selected ‘Leads’).


Step 4: You will be able to see a pop-up window with a JavaScript code. This is the code that you will have to add to the page where the conversion will happen. This will let you track the conversions back to ads which you are running on Facebook.


The code should be placed on the page that a user will finally see when the transaction is complete.

Here is the tricky part. The code should not go on all pages. For that matter, it should not even go to the landing page of your product. The code should be placed on the page that a user will finally see when the transaction is complete.

For Example: If you want to track when students register for your GATE coaching, paste the code on the registration confirmation page/thank you page and not on the form that they need to submit.

How do you confirm that your conversion is working properly?

1. Check that the javascript snippet has been placed on the correct conversion page. Visit the page where the pixel has been embedded, right click and go to ‘View Page Source’ to find the pixel. The code should have the tag of the HTML. See image below.


2. Check that Facebook is receiving the conversion events from your website. Go to the conversion tracking tab in your Ads Manager account. There you will see a list of the conversion tracking pixels that you have created. If the conversion tracking pixel has been successfully implemented and a conversion event has been recorded, it will be reflected in the Pixel Status column. If the status shows active, it means that the page which contains the pixel has been viewed by users. If it shows inactive, it means that over the last 24 hours, the page with the pixel has not been viewed.


3.Later, when you  create your Facebook ad , you need to check the track conversions box under the campaign, pricing and schedule tab to enable tracking.


Import Yahoo contact to website / download CSV

June 28, 2012 1 comment

Image representing OAuth as depicted in CrunchBase

Written in PHP and using cURL, this script imports the names and email addresses from your yahoo account (yahoo id and password needed to login to yahoo from the script and retreive the address book).

require ‘globals.php’;
require ‘oauth_helper.php’;
require ‘yahoo_function.php’;

// Callback can either be ‘oob’ or a url whose domain must match
// the domain that you entered when registering your application

$callback='<your call back URL>’;

if($_REQUEST[‘oauth_verifier’] != ”) {
$request_token = $_REQUEST[‘oauth_token’];
$oauth_verifier = $_REQUEST[‘oauth_verifier’];
$request_token_secret = $_SESSION[‘request_token_secret’];

$accessToken = get_access_token(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET,$request_token, $request_token_secret,$oauth_verifier, false, true, true);

$access_token = urldecode($accessToken[3][‘oauth_token’]);
$access_token_secret = urldecode($accessToken[3][‘oauth_token_secret’]);
$guid = $accessToken[3][‘xoauth_yahoo_guid’];

$callcont = callcontact(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, $guid, $access_token, $access_token_secret, false, true);
print ‘Total Email COntact :’ .$callcont[‘contacts’][‘total’];
print ‘<br/><br/>’;

print ‘asda’.($callcont[‘contacts’][‘total’]);
for($i=0; $i<=$callcont[‘contacts’][‘total’];$i++) {
print ‘<br/><br/>’;
print $callcont[‘contacts’][‘contact’][$i][‘fields’][0][‘value’];
print ‘<br/><br/>’;


$retarr = get_request_token(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET,$callback, false, true, true);

if (! empty($retarr)){
$request_token = $retarr[3][‘oauth_token’];
$request_token_secret = $retarr[3][‘oauth_token_secret’];
$request_url = urldecode($retarr[3][‘xoauth_request_auth_url’]);
$_SESSION[‘request_token_secret’] = $request_token_secret;



function get_request_token($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $callback, $usePost=false, $useHmacSha1Sig=true, $passOAuthInHeader=false)
$retarr = array(); // return value
$response = array();

$url = ‘;;
$params[‘oauth_version’] = ‘1.0’;
$params[‘oauth_nonce’] = mt_rand();
$params[‘oauth_timestamp’] = time();
$params[‘oauth_consumer_key’] = $consumer_key;
$params[‘oauth_callback’] = $callback;

// compute signature and add it to the params list
if ($useHmacSha1Sig) {
$params[‘oauth_signature_method’] = ‘HMAC-SHA1‘;
$params[‘oauth_signature’] =
oauth_compute_hmac_sig($usePost? ‘POST‘ : ‘GET’, $url, $params,
$consumer_secret, null);
} else {
$params[‘oauth_signature_method’] = ‘PLAINTEXT‘;
$params[‘oauth_signature’] =
oauth_compute_plaintext_sig($consumer_secret, null);

// Pass OAuth credentials in a separate header or in the query string
if ($passOAuthInHeader) {

$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params, FALSE);

$header = build_oauth_header($params, “”);
$headers[] = $header;
} else {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params);

// POST or GET the request
if ($usePost) {
$request_url = $url;
$headers[] = ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded‘;
$response = do_post($request_url, $query_parameter_string, 443, $headers);
} else {
$request_url = $url . ($query_parameter_string ?
(‘?’ . $query_parameter_string) : ” );


$response = do_get($request_url, 443, $headers);


// extract successful response
if (! empty($response)) {
list($info, $header, $body) = $response;
$body_parsed = oauth_parse_str($body);
if (! empty($body_parsed)) {

$retarr = $response;
$retarr[] = $body_parsed;

return $retarr;
function get_access_token($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $request_token, $request_token_secret, $oauth_verifier, $usePost=false, $useHmacSha1Sig=true, $passOAuthInHeader=true)
$retarr = array(); // return value
$response = array();

$url = ‘;;
$params[‘oauth_version’] = ‘1.0’;
$params[‘oauth_nonce’] = mt_rand();
$params[‘oauth_timestamp’] = time();
$params[‘oauth_consumer_key’] = $consumer_key;
$params[‘oauth_token’]= $request_token;
$params[‘oauth_verifier’] = $oauth_verifier;

// compute signature and add it to the params list
if ($useHmacSha1Sig) {
$params[‘oauth_signature_method’] = ‘HMAC-SHA1’;
$params[‘oauth_signature’] =
oauth_compute_hmac_sig($usePost? ‘POST’ : ‘GET’, $url, $params,
$consumer_secret, $request_token_secret);
} else {
$params[‘oauth_signature_method’] = ‘PLAINTEXT’;
$params[‘oauth_signature’] =
oauth_compute_plaintext_sig($consumer_secret, $request_token_secret);

// Pass OAuth credentials in a separate header or in the query string
if ($passOAuthInHeader) {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params, false);
$header = build_oauth_header($params, “”);
$headers[] = $header;
} else {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params);

// POST or GET the request
if ($usePost) {
$request_url = $url;
$headers[] = ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’;
$response = do_post($request_url, $query_parameter_string, 443, $headers);
} else {
$request_url = $url . ($query_parameter_string ?
(‘?’ . $query_parameter_string) : ” );
$response = do_get($request_url, 443, $headers);

// extract successful response
if (! empty($response)) {
list($info, $header, $body) = $response;
$body_parsed = oauth_parse_str($body);
if (! empty($body_parsed)) {
$retarr = $response;
$retarr[] = $body_parsed;
return $retarr;
function callcontact($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $guid, $access_token, $access_token_secret, $usePost=false, $passOAuthInHeader=true)
$retarr = array(); // return value
$response = array();

$url = ‘; . $guid . ‘/contacts’;

$params[‘format’] = ‘json’;
$params[‘view’] = ‘compact’;
$params[‘oauth_version’] = ‘1.0’;
$params[‘oauth_nonce’] = mt_rand();
$params[‘oauth_timestamp’] = time();
$params[‘oauth_consumer_key’] = $consumer_key;
$params[‘oauth_token’] = $access_token;

// compute hmac-sha1 signature and add it to the params list
$params[‘oauth_signature_method’] = ‘HMAC-SHA1’;
$params[‘oauth_signature’] =
oauth_compute_hmac_sig($usePost? ‘POST’ : ‘GET’, $url, $params,
$consumer_secret, $access_token_secret);

// Pass OAuth credentials in a separate header or in the query string
if ($passOAuthInHeader) {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params, true);
$header = build_oauth_header($params, “”);
$headers[] = $header;
} else {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params);

// POST or GET the request
if ($usePost) {
$request_url = $url;
$headers[] = ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’;
$response = do_post($request_url, $query_parameter_string, 80, $headers);
} else {
$request_url = $url . ($query_parameter_string ?
(‘?’ . $query_parameter_string) : ” );
$response = do_get($request_url, 80, $headers);

// extract successful response
if (! empty($response)) {
list($info, $header, $body) = $response;
if ($body) {


$retarr = $response;
$contactsRes = json_decode($retarr[2],true);
return $contactsRes;

Billa II – Teaser Promo

April 16, 2012 Leave a comment

Ajith is back with Billa II after the successful 2007 flick Billa which was directed by Vishnuvardhan. Expected to release on 25th May, Billa II is supposed to be a prequel to Billa ( unlike Don-2 which was a sequel ) and talks about how David, an ordinary man from coastal Tamil Nadu becomes the dreaded don Billa. Directed by Chakri Toleti  and also starring Parvathy Omanakuttan, Bruna Abdullah, Vidyut Jamwal and Sudhanshu Pandey in supporting roles who all make their debut in Tamil cinema, the film has music by Yuvan Shankar Raja and R.D.Rajasekharis the DOP.

Expected to be the big ticket summer Tamil release, watch this interesting teaser for now.


April 16, 2012 Leave a comment



A Movie Story & Directed by Rajesh M who has done the film neatly in commercial and full of comedy.
The producer Udhayanidhi himself is the Hero of the film with Santhanam making full comedy. Heroine is Hansika, Saranya Ponvanna Udhayanidhi mother, Uma Padbhanan Hansika’s mother and father is Shiyaji Shinde. With varadha rajan and others.

From the beginning itself the movie moves in the comedy track and full of comedy mixed with stunts, songs in foreign locations. Songs are all good, music by Harris Jayraj, Camera Balasubramniam, Lyrics Na Muthukumar, Arts: Jacy, Choreography: Dinesh, Stunts Rajasekar, Editing Vivek Harshan PRO: Nikil

Very neatly and in commercial and comedy fully with excellent timings by both Udyanidhi and santhanam speaks about the story. Udhayanidhi being produced many films is hero in this and does not looks like a new actor and done his part in very good manner with Hansika a beauty fitted perfectly for the Hero.

An wonderful comedy mixed commercial movie with all credits.

Kumar srinivas
Photo/video journalist

Explore the REST API

April 12, 2012 1 comment

I have had the pleasure of working with the REST API over the past few weeks and am very excited to start “dogfooding” this resource everywhere I can.

One cool feature is that all the endpoints are self-documenting. In fact, the documentation for the REST API is built by the API itself! With this information we were able to build a console to help debug and explore the various resources that are now available through the new API. So let me introduce you to the new REST console for

A word of caution: the console is only available when you are logged into and is hooked up to the live system, so be careful with your POST requests!

At its simplest you can supply the method, path, query, and body for the resource you wish to examine (it’s pre-populated with /me). Press “Submit” to see the response status for your request and an expandable JSON object that you can explore. All links listed under meta are active, so click one to make another request.

To get a better idea of what kind of parameters a request can take, select it under the “Reference” section. It will then provide an interface with some contextual help to let you know which path, query, and body parameters it accepts, what each of those parameters are for, and a field for you to provide the value.

vela vela song Lyrics from Velayudham

September 13, 2011 Leave a comment

ada vela vela vela vela velayudham
nee otha paarva partha podhum nooraayudham

coming down town, coming to the sea
he is the man like shiny bee
breaking to the barriers …..
gonna come and carry us
don shout out
come get some
you cant get down, he is velayutham

ada vela vela vela vela velayutham
nee otha paarva partha podhum nooraayudham

chillax chillax song Lyrics From Velayutham

September 13, 2011 1 comment

Image via Wikipedia

chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax..
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax..

manjanathi marathu katta
maiya vechi mayaki puta
naatu katta townu katta
rendum kalandha semma katta
kaiyu rendum urutu katta
kannu rendum vetta vetta
nenjukulla ratham sotta
eduku vara kitta..

sooriyane thevaiyille vithudalama
rathiriya inga mattum inga vachukalama
thirupachi meesaiyile sikkikalama
neeyachu naanachu paathukalama

manjanathi marathu katta
maiya vechi mayaki puta
naatu katta townu katta
rendum kalandha semma katta
kaiyu rendum urutu katta
kannu rendum vetta vetta
nenjukulla ratham sotta
eduku vara kitta..

dheem dheem thananam dheem dheem thananam
ah ah..ahhaaa..ah ah ahhaa

en odhattu sayathula
ottikolla vaada ulla
patthu veral theekuchiya
pattha veika vaadi pulla
kattabomma peran ne katthi meesa veeran
muthan vechu kuthi kollu sethu poren
mayavi tha neeyum inga mayangiputta nanum
athangara moginiyum vaa nee enna katti pudikka

chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax
chilllllaaaaa….x chillax baby

en odambu panju metha
kitta vandhu kaatu vitha
un iduppu vaazha maata
naa pudicha thaanga maata
sandhu pondhu veedu nee vanthu vilayadu
patta vaanga thevaiyilla kotta podu
vetiya na sethu un marapula korthu
ennanamo pannuriye nenjukitta ketta kanava (ketta kanavu..)

chillax chillax chilla chilla chillax
chillax chillax chilla chilla chillax

manjanathi marathu katta
maiya vechi mayaki puta
naatu katta townu katta
rendum kalandha semma katta
kaiyu rendum urutu katta
kannu rendum vetta vetta
nenjukulla ratham sotta
eduku vara kitta..

sooriyane thevaiyille vithudalama
rathiriya inga mattum inga vachukalama
thirupachi meesaiyile sikkikalama
neeyachu naanachu paathukalama
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax..
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax..
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax..
chillax chillax chillax chillax chillax..
chillax chillax chillax

‘Boss Engira Baskaran’ turns 100

December 17, 2010 Leave a comment

A film crossing 100 days is no ordinary thing in Tamil cinema these days, as changing trends have rewritten the rules.

For, the rule of the day is to release a movie in as many screens as possible and make the maximum collection in the first couple of weeks.

But still, some movies manage to cross the 100-day mark with ‘Boss Engira Baskaran’ touching it today. The film starring Arya, a comedy caper, is one of the super hits of 2010.

Produced by K S Srinivasan and Arya and released by Udhayanidhi Stalin‘s Red Giant Movies, the movie directed by Rajesh of ‘Siva Manasula Sakthi‘ fame got released when the ‘Endhiran‘ storm hit the box office.

However, it managed to garner attention thanks to the beautiful narration by Rajesh, good performance by Arya and Santhanam and smart marketing skills of Udhayanidhi.

India’s most expensive film is another Rajinikanth hit

October 11, 2010 Leave a comment

India’s most expensive film ever is a Frankenstein tale of a scientist who makes a robot in his own image, which turns into a monster and falls in love with his maker’s fiancee.

And it looks set to be another mega-hit for one of Bollywood’s most bankable stars, Rajinikanth, a balding 61-year-old whose unstoppable box office staying power seems almost as incredible as the film’s plotline.

Made with a budget of 1.6bn rupees ($35m; £23m), Enthiran is a story about a killer robot who multiplies into a million clones, destroying Chennai (Madras), the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

But this terrifying army of androids is dwarfed in real life by the legions of fans of the movie’s cult mega-star, Rajinikanth, Bollywood’s highest-paid actor.

In Enthiran (Robot), Rajinikanth plays the nutty professor and his creation, the humanoid robot, Chitti.

The lovey-dovey android serenades his creator’s fiancee, played by another Bollywood star, Aishwarya Rai, singing that he will seek love in places “where Google searches can’t reach”.

James Bond ‘snubbed’

She purrs and calls him her “toyfriend”; he sings that her beauty has set him burning to temperatures that even the “Atlantic Ocean cannot cool”.

Smart lines, diabolical characters, high-voltage action and impressive special effects make this a promising Indian popcorn movie.

Then there are the lush song sequences in exotic locations like Machu Picchu.

The film’s spin machine claims that the Peruvian authorities had “refused the shooting of a James Bond film, but allowed our Rajinikanth to dance”.

The critics may be cringing, and at nearly 180 minutes, Endhiran is rather long, but the film has stormed the box office since opening last weekend.

The movie is also the product of an industry which is fast becoming globalised, despite its unique brand of cinema.

The special effects are cooked up by a Hollywood FX shop that has worked on films like Jurassic Park and Terminator.

The action scenes were staged by a Hong Kong choreographer who has worked with Jackie Chan and on the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The music is scored by the Oscar-winning AR Rahman – the songs are a fusion of lilting Tamil numbers set to Malaysian rap and hip hop, and bouncy electro-pop.

As so often, Rajinikanth steals the show.

“The two worthwhile creations of God are you and me”, he tells the film’s heroine.

At least half that statement would be heartily agreed with by members of the more than 6,000 Rajinikanth fan clubs that have spawned across India.

He is especially popular in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, where film stars are venerated like gods.

In a recent article, rated Rajinikanth as the second-highest-paid actor in Asia, after Jackie Chan.

‘Style King’

“If a tiger had sex with a tornado and then their tiger-nado baby got married to an earthquake, their offspring would be Rajinikanth,” says a review in

n Japan, his film Muthu was dubbed in Japanese as The Dancing Maharaja and became a huge hit in 1995.

Rajinikanth’s success is all the more remarkable considering he has no obvious aptitude as a dancer – a talent so desirable for Tamil musicals.

His eccentric mannerisms and histrionics have earned him the nickname Style King. But he remains the most beloved star of the Tamils.

His fans thought nothing of queuing from the early hours outside cinemas on the day of the film’s premiere.

Rajinikanth’s followers have been known to perform Hindu bathing purification rituals on his posters.

The success of Endhiran ensures that their worship of the Bollywood megastar will continue.

Boss Engira Baskaran Movie Review

September 10, 2010 1 comment
Boss Engira Baskaran
Banner: Vasan Visual Venture
Cast: Arya, Nayantara
Direction: Rajesh
Production: Srinivasan
Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja

Boss Engira Baskaran – Yes Boss

Director Rajesh seems to have begun from where he left in ‘Siva Manasula Sakthi’. Though he is just one-film old, he has almost mastered the knack of rendering a movie that oozes with energy, fun and laughter right from reel one to the last.

Humour is no easy job. It is a serious business. In ‘Boss Engira Baskaran’, the director and his team have emerged successful in coming out with an unpretentious entertainer, ably executed by a wonderful star cast – Arya, Nayanthara, Santhanam and Subbu Panchu among others.

It may be a simple storyline, but the way in which Rajesh approaches it makes the difference. His dialogues and screenplay are the backbone. Especially the one-liners by Santhanam no doubt brings the roof down in laughter. Arya is at his ease delivering a befitting performance, while Nayanthara sans much glamour is a treat to watch.

A callous youth is bitten by love bug. With the help of his friend, he goes hammer and tongs to climb the ladder of success in life. This is what ‘Boss…’ is all about. A shrewd Rajesh has made spoof of some contemporary films, added right commercial elements with humour as under current, and the end product, eventually, is impressive.

The whole story unfolds in Kumbakonam. At a time when most filmmakers go around Madurai with action-packed themes, ‘Boss…’ comes as a relief. Baskaran (Arya), affectionately called as Boss by friends is a happy-go-lucky youngster who strives hard to clear his arrear exams. For him the day starts in the company of Nallathambi (Santhanam), who runs a saloon. Boss’s family comprising his mom, elder brother Saravanan (Subbu Panchu) and sister lead a happy life.

Boss comes across Chandrika (Nayantara) and it’s love at first sight for him. Interestingly, she happens to be a trainee professor and Boss is caught by her while copying in an exam. Turn of events results in Chandrika’s sister (Vijayalakshmi) marrying Saravanan. When Boss expresses his desire to marry Chandrika all hell breaks loose. He is chided for his callous lifestyle and irresponsibility.

Boss takes a vow to earn money in six months and get his sister married before holding the hands of Chandrika. He takes refuge in Nalathambi’s saloon. With the help of his friend, he tries to make money, but nothing works out. Meanwhile, Chandrika appears now and then and urges him to achieve his mission.

Now Boss and Nallathambi start a tutorial college with money obtained from a loan shark Velpandi (‘Naan Kadavul’ Rajendran) under one condition – that to help his son who repeatedly flunked in exams to pass or otherwise become a servant in his house. They face many a hurdle in their mission, but eventually they succeed.

Boss earns money and gets his sister married. But his desire of marrying Chandrika shatters as her father is against the proposal, thanks to a stupid act by the two friends. Now enters an NRI youth (Jiiva) to marry Chandrika. It’s game between him and Boss.

Kudos to Arya who pulled it off well. After a serious portrayal in ‘Madrasappatinam’, he is right there bringing out his comical skills to the fore. As a callous youth, he fits the bill exceedingly well. In other words, the vintage Arya of ‘Arindhum Ariyamalum’ is back. His comical antics in the company of Santhanam are enjoyable.

Nayantara plays a professor and is draped in sarees sans much glamour. She plays her part well. Subbu Panchu as Arya’s brother is adequate. Son of veteran producer Panchu Arunachalam, he is good at giving out what the director wants. ‘Friends’ fame Vijayalakshmi, Lakshmi as Arya’s mother, Chitra Lakshmanan as Nayantara’s father get under the skin of their respective characters and play well.

But the real scene-stealer is Santhanam. His wits, punches are enjoyable. As Arya’s friend, who always gets into a tangle for no fault of his, he has done a great job. Santhanam has announced his arrival to the big league of comedians with this movie.

Kumbakonam has been captured at its pristine beauty by Sakthi Saravanan. His use of soft tones fits well for a laughathon. Also songs in foreign locales get life thanks to him. Giving him good company is Yuvanshankar Raja. As usual, he has come up with songs that gel with the story. The number ‘Yar Intha Penthan…’ is humable.

Rajesh has made spoof of some contemporary Tamil films in an enjoyable manner. Quite like ‘Thamizh Padam’, they are outrightly hilarious. Produced by K S Srinivasan and presented by Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Red Giant Movies and Arya’s The Show People, ‘Boss Engira Baskaran’ is right there oozing with abundant energy and unlimited fun. Kudos to Udhayanidhi for choosing quality films with varied stories that leave an impression with the masses.

Its not about the so called culture and tradition…!

September 4, 2010 1 comment
Chart showing annual Tamil film output with pe...

Image via Wikipedia

Got to watch the Tamil movie – Vamsam in theater few days back. As I was much impressed with the director Pandiraj’s previous movie “pasanga”, my expectations was lil bit high. And the review in Ananda vikadan – a Tamil weekly magazine also added more expectations in to me. While watching the movie I was lil bit disappointed with a usual village subject with normal stuffs. But the efforts were good and cleanly displayed. The second half of the movie is good, especially Jayaprakash and Kishore’s performance were extraordinary. But I feel, director Pandiraj can do much more than this. I feel for these kind of movies the music is most important one. But this movie failed to impress with the music. But one thing I hate with this move and not only with this movie and with all other movies about the particular caste system. told positive or negative, but it creates impact on common people. Cinema is not only a entertainment media for most ppl, it travels beyond that. It gets into many lives and hearts. And a sensitive media too. This generation doesn’t need the things related to caste system and the stories related to that. It will create a impact on this generation too. We don’t want to see a caste based division and discrimination again with our generation. And we need our next generation without caste existence. I’m aware that these caste and subdivision are created with some good reason, but all the ex-generation gentlemen spoiled those values and now it is carried with different note and intention. And with the rapidly changing in the attitude of the living style in people, these things doesn’t mean much. So better to avoid to deal it detail in movies. Coming to this film Vamsam, the movie deals with a south region caste and portrayed the so called tradition and culture. The worst part is , few of my friends being a good critic , they like this movie and praised this movie blindly with no reason. I wondered why it was…then while discussing to them in detail, I came to know that they are from the same caste and region and they feel proud about this. I’m not finding a fault in them. Because movies is not only a entertainment , it also creates impacts. What we say culture and tradition in movies are not actually. Things were created for good cause and later it has been used for different cause. Lets create a new caste & religion free world for our next modern generation. Wish every director should have some social about the movie is afterall my views and not review. Perception varies…just expressed my views.

Bollywood movie Blue preview

October 12, 2009 1 comment

Blue Movie Preview

Blue Movie Preview


Akshay Kumar: Aarav

Owner of Blue Shipping & Fisheries – a shipping company.

Aarav is easily one of the richest and the most eligible bachelors in the Bahamas.
Always ready for a dare, he hates the thought of losing. Because, for him, the best and most intoxicating high in the world is RISK!

He constantly badgers Sagar to search for the lost treasure. But is it out of insatiable greed, or some ulterior motive.

Sanjay Dutt: Sagar

Aarav’s closest friend and employee. Sagar is a straight-forward, simple man with a troubled past and a modest future. He’s not ambitious – either for money or fame – and content to lead a simple life. But he has a haunted past and his redemption lies in facing his demons, that lie hundreds of feet underwater.

Zayed Khan: Sam

With great confidence, comes a bit of arrogance. Self- assured Sam, Sagar’s estranged brother, is an urban named with a singular driving passion – bikes. His accidental involvement with a mafia drug lord, forces him to flee Bangkok and find asylum in his ancestral home, in the Bahamas.

Lara Dutta: Mona

Mona is a marine enthusiast. She is Sagar’s confidante and love. Her effervescence and compassion, compliment Sagar’s stoicism, perfectly.


Blue is set in the breath taking sun soaked white sand beaches of Bahamas. Sagar (Sanjay Dutt) is an excellent deep sea diver who dreams of getting his own new boat someday while his friend Aarav (Akshay Kumar) is a rich arrogant businessman, whose ego is much larger than the big boats that he owns. The conflict between these two sparring friends is the conflict between the rich and the poor, between the moral and the immoral, between greed and honour…

Caught in between these two is Sagar’s brother Sam (Zayed Khan) who has inadvertently managed to rankle a whole gang of mafia men. Now, these dangerous men are after him and Sagar is the only one who can help him. But to save his brother, Sagar has to wrestle with the ghost of his dead father… The only other person who is privy to Sagar’s dilemma is Mona (Lara Dutta), his girlfriend. She is afraid that the secret that lies within the restless waters could destroy all their lives.

The adrenaline rush that comes with Blue accelerates as each new chapter unfolds. It begins with a bare handed skirmish with sharks, moves into deep sea diving, reveals the secret of a forbidden treasure and a buried past, flirts with death at the hands of the mafia and goes straight into the treacherous waters again.

A team of the best underwater technicians from around the world – divers, cameramen, and stunt directors are working on the making of Blue to make it as real and as palpable as the medium of cinema can allow, so that the viewer feels engulfed in the entire experience.

Blue –

the color of the sky and the color of the seas…Underneath the shimmering beautiful inviting waters of the sea, lurks a secret which threatens to destroy one friend and save the other friend.