
Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

Marketers to Increase Digital Marketing Spend in 2014

January 9, 2014 Leave a comment

Most companies will be giving their digital marketing a boost in 2014, as new research from ExactTarget reveals that two thirds of marketers plan to increase their investments in digital marketing this year.

The study found that 61 percent of marketers plan to increase their investments in data and analytics, 60 percent plan to increase spend on marketing automation and 58 percent will spend more on email marketing. In addition, 57 percent of marketers say they will invest more in social media while another 57 percent will increase their investment in content management.

Additional insights from the ExactTarget study reveal that the top priority for marketers in 2014 is to increase conversion rates, followed by increasing and improving brand awareness and collecting, measuring and using behavior-based data.

“We are in the third wave of the Internet revolution where everything and everyone is connected; this is the Internet of Customers,” said Scott Dorsey, chief executive officer, ExactTarget Marketing Cloud. “As the number of connected devices and mobile phones continue to skyrocket, marketers are investing aggressively in digital to connect with their customers in entirely new ways across every channel and every device.”


Google + tradutor instantâneo

February 10, 2010 3 comments

O Google está trabalhando no desenvolvimento de um telefone que traduzirá chamadas em tempo real. Segundo a empresa, a tecnologia pode estar disponível em dois anos.

O aparelho seria a junção de dois serviços já oferecidos pela empresa: a tradução e o reconhecimento de voz. “Claramente, para que ele funcione bem, você precisa de uma combinação de tradução automática de alta-precisão e de reconhecimento de voz de alta precisão, e é nisso que estamos trabalhando”, explica o chefe dos serviços de traduções do Google, Franz Och.

A tecnologia irá traduzir frases e não palavras isoladas e, a partir da grande quantidade de textos usados, os sistemas serão mais precisos do que os atuais.

O problema a ser enfrentado pela empresa diz respeito à diversidade de línguas faladas no mundo. São mais de 6 mil e atualmente são oferecidas opções de tradução para apenas 52.

As informações são da Folha Online

The Do-it-yourself Market

April 25, 2009 Leave a comment

John Monteleone stated ‘It all comes down to “what is the value of your time”. Do-it-yourselfers and even professionals can spend hours of their time searching forums and discussion groups for solutions to their website issues. Time spent is money lost. Our value is that for a fee, we can solve most issues quickly and save you all those hours of troubleshooting. Those saved hours can be used more productively for being creative and marketing your website.” offers other specialized services, such as, Browser Compatibility, Search Engine Optimization, Website Speed Optimization, Website Security Audits, Graphic Services, Emergency Website Restoration, W3C HTML and CSS Website Markup Validation Service and more….

For information: http://www.


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