
Posts Tagged ‘pagetitle’

Get any Website Page Title From URL in PHP

Hey guys,here below describe the how to get the page title form any website page using  URL. Here for getting the page title we are using the file_get_contents function.This one also achieve using fopen( ) but in some servers disabled this function now a days due to some security reasons.

Here below shows the PHP code to get the page title form the URL.

function pageTitle($page_url)
     preg_match("/<title.*?>[\n\r\s]*(.*)[\n\r\s]*<\/title>/", $read_page, $page_title);
      if (isset($page_title[1]))
            if ($page_title[1] == '')
                  return $page_url;
            $page_title = $page_title[1];
            return trim($page_title);
            return $page_url;
