
Posts Tagged ‘servers’

How To Get Gravatar Image By Email Address In WordPress

September 7, 2010 2 comments

Hello Friends, Yesterday I was trying to make author bio after every post, So i need to get related Gravatar image by user email address to show in author bio after every post. I have searched about it on internet and fianlly found one wordpress function by which we can find gravatar image of user by email address. Below is the function and explanation that how can we use it :
echo get_avatar( $id_or_email, $size = '96', $default = '<path_to_url>' );

  1. id_or_email (required): Author’s User ID (an integer or string), an E-mail Address (a string) or the comment object from the comment loop.
  2. size (optional): Avatar display size (max is 512).
  3. default (optional): Absolute location of the default avatar to use (used when the person has no email address associated with them).

By this way you can get Gravatar Image of user by Email address or Id. Let me know if you have any question in this. I will try to help you in this.

IBM Rearchitects x86 Server Memory

IBM (NYSE:IBM) is trying to make x86-based servers more scalable in virtualized environments by allowing memory to scale independently of the rest of the system.

IBM on Tuesday used the CeBIT trade show in Germany to unveil its new eX5 line of servers which allows memory to scale to up to four times that of existing servers, said Roland Hagan, vice president of System X servers for the vendor.

The new server line comes at a time when an increase in the proliferation of servers to meet new customer workloads, especially for virtualization, has become the major contributor to the increase in data center power consumption, Hagan said.

This is because virtualization requires increased memory as the number of virtual servers and appliances increases, requiring additional processors and servers in order to increase the amount of memory available, he said. Read more…